TOP Best Hair Masks at Home 2020

Low-cost, 100% natural, harmless, effective, convenient to use, home hair masks are favorites of many women.

 Beautiful and healthy hair is a sign of grooming, our appearance, and pride.

A woman should have time for herself, because, without putting it off for tomorrow, today choose a hair mask and treat them, put them in order.

We offer you the TOP 2020, with which you can prepare the best hair masks at home.

Egg hair mask

Making egg masks for hair at home is not a problem. The main ingredient is always at hand in the kitchen. The effectiveness has been tested for years because beautiful women have used eggs in cosmetics since time immemorial. Therefore, home recipes differ in such a variety of options with all sorts of additional components.

The main ingredient: chicken eggs, preferably farm (homemade), medium-sized (they have more nutrients).


  • stops falling out;
  • it has a cleaning effect, like a shampoo;
  • provides firmness and elasticity;
  • protects against external destructive factors;
  • moisturizes;
  • restores;
  • accelerated growth;
  • eliminates dandruff.

Application features:

  • Not recommended for home care of curls.
  • You can’t do this after lamination — the effect of the procedure will be reduced to zero.
  • Possible allergic reactions.
  • The egg must not be combined with hot components so that it does not curl.
  • You can get rid of the unpleasant egg smell by adding essential oils to the water for rinsing.
  • Do not keep homemade egg masks on your head for more than 20 minutes, otherwise, they dry out and make it difficult to wash and comb.

Recipe options:

Сlassic: beat a couple of eggs, rub into the scalp and distribute along the length;

with honey: 1 egg per 50 ml of liquid honey;

with lemon: 1 egg per 25 ml of juice squeezed from a lemon at home;

with mayonnaise: 1 egg per 50 g of homemade mayonnaise;

with kefir: 1 egg per 75 ml of kefir.

From eggs at home, you can also prepare protein masks that have a drying effect, and yolk — excellent moisturizers that fight against over-drying.

Gelatin hair mask

Gelatin-the the best mask for lamination at home. The main ingredient: food gelatin in plates (so-called leaf, it is better in quality) or powder.


  • recovery;
  • gives the hair smoothness and Shine;
  • makes them more voluminous;
  • protects against aggressive factors;
  • rights;
  • thickens the rods.

The effect after home gelatin mask is sometimes not inferior to the result of lamination made in salon conditions.

Application features:

  • Water for filling gelatin should be warm or at room temperature.
  • Carefully knead to avoid lumps.
  • Apply only to a clean head washed with silicone-free shampoo.
  • Step back from the roots by a couple of centimeters.
  • Wash off without shampoo.
  • To enhance the effect, use a lotion-fixer for lamination at home.
  • Do 1 time in a week and a half, no more often.

Recipe options:

Classic: 15 g of gelatin per 45 ml of water;

with an egg: add 1 beaten egg to the gelatin swollen from water (the classic version of the recipe) ;

with balsam: add 25 ml of herbal balsam to the main recipe;

with mustard: mix 15 g of gelatin and mustard powder, and then pour 90 ml of water;

with honey: add 25 ml of liquid honey to the main recipe.

After gelatin lamination, made at home, it is forbidden to do tight hairstyles (for example, a ponytail) and use curlers for several days.

Mustard mask for hair

Mustard-the most effective mask for accelerating hair growth. Main ingredient: mustard powder. The best varieties for cosmetic purposes are white and Sarepta. The black one will burn too much.


  • nourishes and strengthens the roots;
  • strengthens the bulbs;
  • activates hair growth;
  • gives them volume and Shine;
  • makes them obedient;
  • stops falling out;
  • dries (suitable for the care of oily hair type);
  • eliminates dandruff.

Application features:

  • The mustard mask has many contraindications, so study them before making it.
  • It is not recommended for blondes whose hair may become greenish.
  • If the loss is not due to the season, it is better not to make a mustard mask: it can make the situation worse.
  • Apply only to the scalp, without pre-washing.
  • Wash off after a quarter of an hour.

Recipe options:

Classic: 20 g of dry mustard-about the same amount of water to get a creamy consistency after mixing;

with egg and honey: add 20 ml of honey and 1 egg to the basic recipe;

with burdock oil: add 50 ml of burdock oil to the mustard mixture — this mask can be applied not only to the roots but also along the entire length;

with yeast: 15 g of yeast dilute 50 ml of warm milk, pour 15 g of sugar, leave for half an hour, knead, add 25 g of honey and 50 g of mustard mixture.

Despite the high performance in terms of activating growth, the mustard mask will not be able to be used at home by all. It has too many contraindications and side effects.

Honey hair mask

Honey-the best nourishing mask. Main ingredient: natural fresh (not candied) honey.


  • restores;
  • smoothes facilitate styling;
  • dries (suitable for the care of oily hair type);
  • lightens by half a ton;
  • gives shine, makes the original color riche;
  • warns early graying;
  • relieves the symptoms of seborrhea;
  • strengthens the roots, stops hair loss;
  • nourishes;
  • activates growth.

Application features:

  • An Allergy test is required.
  • Do not heat honey above 40°C — it can lose most of its nutritional properties.
  • Carefully knead to avoid lumps.
  • The duration of action is limited only to additional ingredients. Honey in its pure form can be left at least all night.
  • To avoid the sticky effect, you need to properly perform the rinsing procedure: 2 times with warm water and 1 time with water at room temperature, in which pre-dilute Apple cider vinegar, essential oils or lemon juice.

Recipe options:

Classic: 50 ml of melted honey-100 ml of warm water;

with cinnamon: mix 20 ml of honey and natural olive oil, add 10 g of Ceylon cinnamon with intensive stirring, add 10 ml of tocopherol in the oil;

with cognac: 20 ml of honey-50 ml of cognac and 2 yolks;

with castor oil: 50 ml of honey-100 ml of castor oil.

Weakly concentrated honey water can also be used for rinsing-the the hair will get an unreal shine.

Yogurt mask for hair

Kefir-the most versatile (suitable for any type of hair) and trouble-free mask. Main ingredient: kefir of different fat content.


  • dries if the fat content of kefir is more than 3%;
  • moisturizes if this indicator is 0% (skimmed yogurt) or 1%.
  • protects;
  • accelerates growth;
  • strengthens the roots, stops hair loss;
  • nourishes;
  • repairs damage;
  • adds volume;
  • lightens.

Application features:

  • Choose the fat content of kefir for your hair type.
  • To activate the beneficial lactic acid bacteria, kefir is necessary to warm up (at least up to 35°C).
  • The validity period is not limited, you can leave it for the night.

Recipe options:

Classic: wet your hair liberally in kefir;

with cocoa: 100 ml of kefir — 50 g of cocoa powder and 1 egg;

with yeast: dilute 15 g of beer yeast 50 ml of warm water, leave for half an hour, add 100 ml of kefir;

with castor oil: 200 ml of kefir-100 ml of castor oil;

with bread: soak 50 g of rye bread crumb in 100 ml of kefir, apply after swelling.

If you choose the right fat content of kefir, the mask will exceed all expectations.

Castor hair mask

The Castor mask is a worthy leader among humidifiers. Main ingredient: castor oil.


  • moisturizes;
  • protects;
  • restores;
  • leaves hair soft and manageable;
  • accelerates growth;
  • relieves symptoms of dry seborrhea;
  • stops the dropout.

Application features:

  • Not recommended for owners of oily hair type.
  • It often causes allergies.
  • Likes heat and acts more actively if the oil is preheated, and then make good insulation.
  • Apply to a clean head.
  • It requires thorough flushing.

Versions of recipes:

Classic:  rub warm castor oil into the roots, distribute along the length;

with glycerine: 50 ml of castor oil — 2 egg yolks and 25 ml of glycerine;

with aloe: 75 ml of castor oil — 20 ml of freshly squeezed, homemade aloe juice;

with parsley: 50 ml of castor oil — the same amount of chopped parsley.

Each of these masks, properly prepared at home, will be a great way to ensure proper hair care for minimal money. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, to select new auxiliary ingredients in order to eventually get the tool that is ideal for eliminating your problem.