7 interesting facts about beauty that you didn’t know

It’s no secret that we all want to always be beautiful. Now it is easy to emphasize your natural beauty – the cosmetic market is filled up with a million tubes of lipstick for lips and creams. We offer to see how women induced beauty a few tens and hundreds of years ago.

Fact № 1. In Central Asia, the standard of beauty was considered a woman with fused eyebrows

This fact is probably known to all thanks to the numerous photos of Frida Kahlo-a famous Mexican artist. Fused on the bridge of the nose eyebrows were considered the standard of beauty, so all the girls from an early age smeared eyebrows and brow space with the juice of the Usma-a plant that stimulated hair growth. This standard of beauty is still preserved in Tajiks (in particular, in rural areas).

Fact № 2. Eye shadow ancient Egyptians used to prevent conjunctivitis

The heat in combination with frequent spills of the Nile created a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria. Therefore, absolutely everything-both women and men – circled the eyes with black eyeliner to protect the eyes from various diseases and that the bright sun did not blind the eyes.

Fact № 3. Until the XIX century, women were forbidden to use lipstick for lips

In the middle Ages it was forbidden to use the lip (it was believed that the girl who paints her lips, the witch). Therefore, until the XIX century, all women biting their lips in order to give them color. But, unlike the weaker sex, men were allowed to use this female attribute: many young men in the courts of kings willingly used lipstick in order to highlight the lips on the background of the beard and other vegetation on the face.

Fact № 4. There is a mental disorder associated with excessive beauty

This disease is called Stendhal syndrome. The syndrome was named after Stendhal – a French writer of the XIX century, who described in his book “Naples and Florence: a journey from Milan to Reggio” his feelings during a visit to Florence in 1817. It is a mental disorder characterized by frequent heartbeat, dizziness and hallucinations. Symptoms appear when a person is in excessive admiration of the beauty of objects of art, nature, people, etc.

Fact № 5. The first world beauty contest was held in Belgium in 1888

September 19, 1888 in the Belgian Spa resort town held the final of the First world beauty contest. Then this event was held behind closed doors, and among the members of the jury there were only men.  After the interview with the 21 candidate the winner was proclaimed 18-year-old Bertha Sukkar from Guadeloupe, which won the main prize of 5000 francs. Then the beauty Queen has not yet handed over the crown.

Fact № 6. The founder of manicure is Cleopatra

Yes, Yes, that’s right, the procedure of manicure and nail care invented Cleopatra (about the secrets of beauty Cleopatra we talked earlier). In those days, a bright manicure (red, black, green) was worn only by noble individuals of Egypt, and well-groomed nails were considered a sign of wealth. By the way, in ancient Egypt manicure devices were made exclusively of gold.  Slaves could paint your nails, but only the neutral, dull colors.

Fact № 7. Max Factor-a native of the Russian Empire

Maximilian Abramovich Factorovich – real name max Factor. The founder of the beloved company Max Factor is a native of the Russian Empire. Before emigrating to the United States, at the age of fourteen, he joined the Bolshoi theatre as an assistant makeup artist in Moscow, then more than 10 years served as an expert on cosmetics at the court of Nicholas II. After emigrating to the United States, Max Factor became world-famous, opening his own brand of cosmetics. He came up with the term “makeup”, waterproof makeup and fashionable hair color – “platinum” blonde.

We have told you the most interesting facts related to beauty. We wish you to always be beautiful and loved! Beauty may not save the world, but it will definitely make it better!